28 Years of Excellence
General Choi Hong Hi

The founder of Taekwondo, the late Gen. Choi Hong Hi and patronised by the Sultan of Terengganu, who happened to be an exponent of ITF Taekwon-Do.
Grand Master Sabree Salleh
Prior to the registration of MGTF, ITF Taekwondo members were actively practicing under the MITF and with the new implementation of the Sports Development Act 1997 and issues arising between Taekwondo bodies in the World (WTF/ITF) and in Malaysia namely MTA and MITF, a new body was registered namely MGTF for affiliates that wanted to continue under the banner led by Grand Master Sabree Salleh, the President and founder of MGTF.
MGTF (Malaysian Global Taekwondo Federation) or Persekutuan Taekwondo Global Malaysia was registered under the Sports Development Act 1997 Article 6 on the 1st September, 1999 and the registration Number is 0758/99.
The Sports Commissioner Dato’ Mahamad Zabri Min signed and approved the registration for the Body representing members of the original Persekutuan Taekwondo Antarabangsa Malaysia (Malaysian International Taekwondo Federation) MITF.
Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa
MGTF is officially affiliated to International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) under the leadership of Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa ( The Son of the Taekwon-Do Founder, The late General Choi Hong Hi )and is recognized as an International National Organization (INO # 598) representing Malaysia and our members are eligible to attend all the ITF Championships at the International level representing Malaysia and practicing ITF style of Taekwondo throughout the Nation.

MGTF members have been actively participating in events held worldwide. We had the Malaysian Team at the ITF Korea Open and Asia Taekwondo Championship in Incheon Korea 3rd August – 8th August, 2017. In Ferghana, Uzbekistan 1st Youth Cup International Championship June 21-24th,2018. A team was sent to participate in ITF World Championship held in Buenos Aires, Argentina July-August, 2018, and June-July,2019 in Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan for the ITF 2019 Taekwondo Open Asian Championship, with successful outcomes.
Locally MGTF had successfully organized States and National MGTF Championships without fail and even during MCO we have successfully organized Virtual championships for all our affiliates.
2019 - 2020
MGTF has been recognized as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia for Taekwondo and given the mandate to organize The Women Open Championship in 2019 and 2020.
MGTF successfully organized the National Black Belt Instructors Course on February 2020 at the National Sports Council attended by more than 300 Black belts who came from all over Malaysia.
General Choi Hong Hi
Grand Master Prof. Dato’ Seri Gen. Dr. Sabree Salleh founder of MITF (Malaysia International Taekwondo Federation) successfully organized the 9th World Taekwondo ITF Championship in Kuala Terengganu in July 25th-August 2nd,1994 attended and launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Dr. Mahathir Mohamed.
The founder of Taekwondo, the late Gen. Choi Hong Hi and patronised by the Sultan of Terengganu, who happened to be an exponent of ITF Taekwon-Do.
Grand Master Sabree Salleh
Prior to the registration of MGTF, ITF Taekwondo members were actively practicing under the MITF and with the new implementation of the Sports Development Act 1997 and issues arising between Taekwondo bodies in the World (WTF/ITF) and in Malaysia namely MTA and MITF, a new body was registered namely MGTF for affiliates that wanted to continue under the banner led by Grand Master Sabree Salleh, the President and founder of MGTF.
MGTF (Malaysian Global Taekwondo Federation) or Persekutuan Taekwondo Global Malaysia was registered under the Sports Development Act 1997 Article 6 on the 1st September, 1999 and the registration Number is 0758/99.
The Sports Commissioner Dato’ Mahamad Zabri Min signed and approved the registration for the Body representing members of the original Persekutuan Taekwondo Antarabangsa Malaysia (Malaysian International Taekwondo Federation) MITF.
Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa
MGTF is officially affiliated to International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) under the leadership of Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa ( The Son of the Taekwon-Do Founder, The late General Choi Hong Hi )and is recognized as an International National Organization (INO # 598) representing Malaysia and our members are eligible to attend all the ITF Championships at the International level representing Malaysia and practicing ITF style of Taekwondo throughout the Nation.

MGTF members have been actively participating in events held worldwide. We had the Malaysian Team at the ITF Korea Open and Asia Taekwondo Championship in Incheon Korea 3rd August – 8th August, 2017. In Ferghana, Uzbekistan 1st Youth Cup International Championship June 21-24th,2018. A team was sent to participate in ITF World Championship held in Buenos Aires, Argentina July-August, 2018, and June-July,2019 in Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan for the ITF 2019 Taekwondo Open Asian Championship, with successful outcomes.
Locally MGTF had successfully organized States and National MGTF Championships without fail and even during MCO we have successfully organized Virtual championships for all our affiliates.
2019 - 2020
MGTF has been recognized as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia for Taekwondo and given the mandate to organize The Women Open Championship in 2019 and 2020.
MGTF successfully organized the National Black Belt Instructors Course on February 2020 at the National Sports Council attended by more than 300 Black belts who came from all over Malaysia.
Definition of Taekwon-Do
Literally, Taekwon-Do is a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defense. It is more than just that, however. It’s a way of life
“Tae” stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot.
“Kwon” denotes the fist-chiefly to punch or destroy with the hand or fist.
“Do” means an art or way – the right way built and paved by the saints and sages in the past.
Benefits of Learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is a martial art combination of sport and self-defence, which benefits for both adults and children ranging from ages 5 and above. It remains a hugely popular form of self defence learned across the world.
- Builds healthy bones
- Helps with losing weight
- Increases strength and stamina
- Improves flexibility, agility, reflexes and balance
- Improves muscle tone, appearance and posture
- Mental
- Improves concentration and focus
- Reduces stress
- Improves self-confidence and self-esteem
- Improves social interaction skills
- Increases knowledge of self defence
- Improves leadership skills, self-discipline and respect
- Improves mental health and physical health

Taekwon-Do Oath
I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo
I shall respect the instructor and seniors
I shall never misuse Taekwondo
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
I shall build a more peaceful world
– authored by General Choi

The Tenets of Taekwon-Do
Ye Ui

Taekwon-Do students should attempt to be polite to one another and to respect others. Students should address instructors as Sir and to bow to the instructors before and after classes. Turning up early or on time for classes is also an aspect of courtesy.
Yom Chi

One who has integrity is able to define what is right or wrong and have the conscience, if wrong, to feel guilt. Taekwon-Do students should strive to be honest and to live by moral principles.
In Nae

Perseverance means having patience. One of the most important secrets of becoming a leader in Taekwon-Do is to overcome every difficulty by perseverance. Confucius said,” One who is impatient in trivial matters can seldom achieve success in matters of great importance.”
Guk Gi

Without self-control, a Taekwon-Do student is just like any fighter in the street. Loss of self-control is disastrous both in sparring and personal affairs. “The term of stronger is the person who wins over oneself rather than someone else”, Lao Tzu.
Baek jeol bul gul

A true student of Taekwon-Do will never give up, not even when faced with insurmountable odds. The most difficult goals can be achieved with indomitable spirit.

truly is a wonderful martial art to practice to say the least. A big reason for that is because it is a great form of exercise. This is a fighting sport that can make you focus better, teaches you discipline and respect, makes you stronger, more flexible, and most importantly better yourself, plus a whole lot more.
So what are you waiting for, join us today.